I am still flabbergasted that Rising would chose to leave. Not a given he will but I would be stunned if he sticks to his decision to leave. He is the 5th rated passer in THE CONFERENCE and he is the 9th rated passer in yards tossed. Hardly leave early statistics. Mid season Rising was the 5th rated passer in the NCAA.... He is now 28th behind the likes of Hall at TDS.
Further... there are TEN senior quarterbacks who are rated higher than rising. 10 guys eligible to be drafted due to graduation alone. In addition, there are 13 JUNIORS that are rated higher than Rising. So... Of the 23 draft eligible guys, Rising is behind them all. I would be utterly stunned if he is not back next year:
He may never be a league guy let alone a leave early guy. Hope I am wrong on the former but I would 100% expect him to be back in SLC next year.
Further... there are TEN senior quarterbacks who are rated higher than rising. 10 guys eligible to be drafted due to graduation alone. In addition, there are 13 JUNIORS that are rated higher than Rising. So... Of the 23 draft eligible guys, Rising is behind them all. I would be utterly stunned if he is not back next year:
He may never be a league guy let alone a leave early guy. Hope I am wrong on the former but I would 100% expect him to be back in SLC next year.

The preseason favorite is the “winner” of the Pac-12 QB rankings
There were plenty of upsets in the Pac-12 this season, but there would be no upset in the QB ratings as the preseason favorite won out.

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