On ESPN's First Draft podcast, Mel said Nate's an early second rounder.
Orchard's name came up later in the discussion of another prospect, Brett Hundley. Hundley's maybe a second rounder, maybe a third, per his Melness. BH lacks pocket presence, which was demonstrated by his performance against Utah and Nate Orchard.
THIS ^^^^ is what happens when you go against the family. It's like those "your brains on drugs commercials" back in the day. The egg is your draft prospects; the Sack Lake City Defense is the hot frying pan. Btw, Mel did not say what I've written in this paragraph, this is my own editorializing.
Carry on.
Orchard's name came up later in the discussion of another prospect, Brett Hundley. Hundley's maybe a second rounder, maybe a third, per his Melness. BH lacks pocket presence, which was demonstrated by his performance against Utah and Nate Orchard.
THIS ^^^^ is what happens when you go against the family. It's like those "your brains on drugs commercials" back in the day. The egg is your draft prospects; the Sack Lake City Defense is the hot frying pan. Btw, Mel did not say what I've written in this paragraph, this is my own editorializing.
Carry on.