Best college sports teams to never win a championship.


Sophomore Poster
Gold Member
Feb 9, 2011
I didnt post a link because its was a 247 article didn't want to anger the mods. Was just curious on your thoughts they only posted the top 14 I think with 3 honorable mentions and our 2008 team got an honorable mention. What I thought was interesting is our 04 team would have beat our 08 team for one, and two the 04 Auburn team came in at #4 I would bet my house on the 04 Utah team beating 04 Auburn team and personally I don't think it would have been close. That team was the only team that could have challenged USC that year and Urban has been quoted saying that the 04 Utah team is the best team he's ever coached. Just curious on your guys thoughts?

Edit: I posted over here instead of scout because the boards here are way better just saying.

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