-The first day of pads was very spirited, very competitive.
-It was different, you see more critiques when people get a little tired, but one thing he stresses is that, “When you’re tired, nobody cares.”
-On Nate Johnson: Hopes he’s a contributor, that’s why they brought him back into the program. “He’s a Multi-faceted Athlete, he’s going to be doing a bunch of stuff, he’s got great speed and good size.” Kyle also said that’s exactly why they welcomed him back.
-On Dampier: Embraced the leadership role very well. “He is the leader of the offense as far as knowing what to do, making sure everyone else knows what they’re doing”. Said Devon made the leadership council after only being here for 2-3 weeks and is assumes he will be captain this season.
-Mentioned he thinks we’re in relatively good shape as far as leadership amongst the many new athletes
-Most intense position group is Wide Receiver, said there’s a pecking order forming as they sort out who the real playmakers are. From there it’s cornerbacks and who is gout to line up opposite of Scooby Davis. Lastly, he mentioned running backs saying that Wayshawn Parker has the inside track, but it’s by no means guaranteed. (Alex take: Everyone will be floored if Parker isn’t the starter)
-It was different, you see more critiques when people get a little tired, but one thing he stresses is that, “When you’re tired, nobody cares.”
-On Nate Johnson: Hopes he’s a contributor, that’s why they brought him back into the program. “He’s a Multi-faceted Athlete, he’s going to be doing a bunch of stuff, he’s got great speed and good size.” Kyle also said that’s exactly why they welcomed him back.
-On Dampier: Embraced the leadership role very well. “He is the leader of the offense as far as knowing what to do, making sure everyone else knows what they’re doing”. Said Devon made the leadership council after only being here for 2-3 weeks and is assumes he will be captain this season.
-Mentioned he thinks we’re in relatively good shape as far as leadership amongst the many new athletes
-Most intense position group is Wide Receiver, said there’s a pecking order forming as they sort out who the real playmakers are. From there it’s cornerbacks and who is gout to line up opposite of Scooby Davis. Lastly, he mentioned running backs saying that Wayshawn Parker has the inside track, but it’s by no means guaranteed. (Alex take: Everyone will be floored if Parker isn’t the starter)