Why is the media rights a big, hand wringing deal?

Let’s dispense with the obvious…. More money is greater than less money. With that out of the way, what is the big deal between 60m dollar deal and a 45m deal and a 35m dollar deal?

Football and basketball coaches will be well compensated. So too with gymnastics. The extra $ or not will impact the lesser sports.

Money becomes a huge issue if we have to pay players. Absent that then maybe we don’t have the best locker room? Maybe we don’t have all the ancillary “stuff” that is given in lieu of payment. But the teams can still be incredibly competitive.

What we want is good distribution and ability to see games across the country at times that are not past midnight est.

What am I missing?
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ARTICLE - TAKEAWAYS: USC Spoils Senior Night For Runnin'Utes

The Runnin' Utes injuries are really starting to impact the team, which is obviously not great this late in the season, especially as they have exceeded most expectations:

The Apple+ Rumor Smells Like a Rat Started It

This really smells like a rat (Big12) trying to put more pressure on Pac 12 teams so that one or more of them jumps to the Big12 and the Pac 12 conference start crumbling. Then the Pac 12 teams start to panic and the four corner schools end up being absorbed by the Big 12.

What happens to Oregon and Washington? The Big Ten may not be ready to add two more team from out west until they see how UCLA and Southern Cal handle the transition to the Big Ten. Oregon & Wash are in limbo.

What would happen to Stanford, Cal, WSU and OSU? The MWC? Independent? A mini Pac 12 ( with SDS and SMU) joining?

Are you confident that George Kliavkoff can save the Pac-12 conference? It sure looks like he’s in over his head and he’s already been beaten by the big 12 commissioner at getting a media contract. Can poaching of a few Pac 12 teams be next?

In all likelihood the Apple TV rumor has its roots in the Big 12 conference office. This is their dream scenario.
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Pac-12 media deal likely to be less than expected

Wilner has an article out today that basically says the Big 12 jumping at their first rights deal essentially locked the Pac-12 into a lower-than-expected deal due to setting the market value.

How low? I don't know.

But certainly not a great position for the conference. Expect the possibility that Pac-12 teams make less overall than the Big 12, even if they go the streaming route. I only say this because, despite largely being optimistic the last year in regards to the Pac-12's position vs the Big 12, Wilner's tone has become decidedly more negative.

Here's a bit from behind the paywall:
Which brings us back to the art of negotiating and risk recognition.
Waiting creates a void, a standing invitation for the unknown to alter the trajectory of the negotiations and the future of the conference.
Perhaps the marketplace will shift in favor of higher valuations — after all, the Pac-12 is the only Power Five conference with inventory available. (Everyone else is locked up until the 2030s.) Perhaps new suitors will enter the fray.
Or, maybe, the economy will deteriorate. Maybe current bidders will grow weary of the Pac-12’s stance and either reduce their offers substantially or walk away altogether.
Had ESPN, Amazon, Fox, Apple, CBS — or a combination therein — made a killer offer, the Pac-12 board would have authorized Kliavkoff to accept.
The Pac-12 could keep pushing, it could keep attempting to draft off the Big Ten’s deal, but the Big 12’s valuation is the reality.
The market is set.
Any maneuverability is on the margins.
We expect the process to conclude by the middle of March. If that window comes and goes with no deal imminent, our outlook will take a turn for the worse.
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Looking ahead to next year’s basketball roster

I’m going to assume that NIL keeps BC here one more year.

Gone - Marco Anthony

All but gone - Michael Saunders

With the unused scholarship we’ll have at least three openings. One of those will go to Hunter Erickson.

C - BC, Keiba Keta
PF- Ben Carlson
SF - Lazar Stefanovic, Boston Holt, Luka Tarlac
SG - Gabe Madsen, Will Exacte, Hunter Erickson, Jaxon Brenchley
PG - Rollie Worster

Needs: scoring firepower, athleticism, point guard.
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