There has been a lot of chatter and speculation today that BYU has been invited to the Big 12 due to some supposed "insider source" that some person saw on Twitter. I haven't seen the tweet, nor am I about to venture over to cougarboard and wade through the crap there in order to find it, but it seems to me that all reliable sources are saying that nothing has happened, nor will it happen until July 19th at the earliest, which is when the Big 12 big wigs get together to vote on whether to expand or to end the current round of expansion talks.
I understand that it's possible that the decision makers have already come to a decision among themselves and that the vote may be merely a formality, but you'd think that if a reliable source had somehow obtained information from one of the voters, that it would be somewhere on the Internet from somebody else besides a bunch of desperate BYU fans on cougarboard. We know that cougarboard and BYU Twitter are notorious for making up stories and passing them as fact, claiming some "insider source" told them some thing or the other. Each of the past six years, since Utah was invited to the PAC, there have been multiple BYU fans claiming that their aunt's son's cousin's friend's lover knows so-and-so who knows someone else who works for the Big 12, and that person assured them that BYU to the Big 12 was a done deal. Every time rumors like this have surfaced, they've turned out to be false.
So here's what we know for sure about the Big 12 and expansion:
1. Bowlsby wants to meet to decide whether or not to expand.
2. Just one week ago, both the Oklahoma AD and another anonymous "high-placed source" said Big 12 expansion was dead for the time being. A lot can change in a week, but with the way the Big 12 has been dragging its feet on this thing, I'd be very surprised if they changed their minds in a week. Also, if Oklahoma doesn't want expansion, it ain't happening.
Perhaps I'm completely wrong on this, and maybe come July 19, there will be much celebrating and consumption of caffeine-free Diet Coke and BYU creamery ice cream down in Provo, but I'm very skeptical that it's actually going to happen.